Vital Health Care

Evacuation Guidelines

What is fire evacuation training?

Fire evacuation training is very important to building occupants to ensure staff are aware of their environments, surroundings and roles in the event of an emergency.

When do i need fire evacuation training?

To ensure a safe orderly evacuation of a building routine fire evacuation training is essential to ensure all employees are aware of there closest evacuation point, it is also important to ensure evacuation training is completed so all staff are safe and appropriately trained.

How to Prepare for a Building Evacuation?

Take the time now to familiarize yourself with emergency stairwells, exit routes, and the assembly area for your primary location, as well as for all buildings that you frequent. Evacuations are mandatory for fire alarms and when directed by authorities. No Exceptions!

Signals: A building evacuation will be signaled by the building fire alarm, including strobe lights, audible alerts, and/or other means of emergency notification (e.g., UIC Emergency SMS or other alerts by first response agencies).

Action (Get Out!): When you receive the notification, leave the building and proceed to the assembly area in the building’s evacuation plan.

Vital Health Care

  • Evacuate the building as quickly as possible using the primary or alternate exit routes.
  • Pull the manual fire alarm to prompt a response for others to evacuate.
  • If time permits and these operations can be performed safely:
  • Turn off equipment.
  • Secure hazardous materials.
  • Take critical personal items only.
  • Assist those who need help, but carefully consider whether you may put yourself at risk.
  • Look for exit signals indicating potential egress/escape routes.
  • If you are not able to evacuate, go to an Area of Rescue Assistance.
  • Evacuate to the Evacuation Assembly Area and remain there until additional instructions are given.
  • DO NOT use elevators.
  • Alert authorities to those who may need assistance or any missing or trapped persons.
  • DO NOT reenter the building until authorized emergency personnel give the “all clear” signal.